Primed with Priscilla
It’s always been interesting to me how art continues to circle back into my life, even if I am trying my hardest to go down a path that “guaranteed” happiness. Hi, my name is Priscilla, a 23-year old girl and the creator of the recently established handle, Primed with Priscilla, where I post my recent watercolor and acrylic paintings.

My family had always been involved in the arts, from an actor father, an haute-couture model-mama, a rockstar step-father, and a botanist sister that can make a piece of art from anything she touches. Even though I was and still am extremely grateful for the world my family allowed me to be freely stimulated and explore artistically, I couldn’t help but allow a dark cloud of perfectionism cloud the way I viewed my art. Even as I continue to grow, I will always have to fight the doubt of “how good” I am compared to my family.

Even though I was drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil and also playing Pokemon on my Gameboy color. Whether it was reading, drawing, or gaming, I was always chasing the story of these rich worlds I would drown myself in, swallowing the vibrancies as though I was never satisfied. Whatever world I entered, I ravaged it for all its stories that it could give me and continued to branch them out with my own.
It was my love of storytelling, that at age 13 I would try my hand at writing fanfictions. This led to one of my first, large achievements of completing a book that garnered over 50,000 views within the WoW community. Crafting worlds based on worlds I delved into MMORPGs, specifically, World of Warcraft. Practicing concepts with roleplaying in-game to get organic reactions to my characters, plots, and tempering my understanding of WoW’s vast lore allowed me to understand the concept of world-building, character flaws, and story arcs that can be on-going with proper fuel.
It was through WoW, that I also met some of my lifelong friends, including Horsefeather Peculiar’s Stephanie. I owe alot to her, as she has been one of my biggest inspirations and cheerleaders. Whether it be personal, business, or artistic advice, I always turned to her whenever I needed guidance. Honestly, I don’t think I would be where I am today, pursuing the career that I am without her friendship. Even to this day, she and I still find time to play various games together.

Remember how I mentioned the road I thought led to happiness? I thought that forcing myself through law school would make me independent and able to take care of those I care about. Family is the most important thing to me. But, school was one of the most soul-crushing experiences, even though I thoroughly enjoyed my double major of Arabic, Islamic Studies and Cultural Anthropology of Native Americans, I didn’t know if it was my purpose to pursue. I took a year off, moved to Hawaii from Kentucky, and found something I never imagined.

I found me.
I found myself in the water that I sailed over for my job.
I found my freedom from fear in the dark ocean that I swam in alongside Manta Rays.
I found myself in the injured butterfly, Pumpkin, in the need to nurture and be nurtured by another creature.
I found myself in the paintings that expressed all the words I could never find to write.
I found myself, the ever-growing artwork.
I left Hawaii after a year, but honestly, it felt like centuries with the knowledge I left with.
I left because my dad and step-father, my mom’s husband, were both sick. I learned from them both, in life and death, of what the person I wanted to be was.
Both of them encouraged my growth as a writer and artist.

And so, I began my next chapter of pursuing the art of cinema in Los Angeles. I have studied with the likes of Ivana Chubbuck, Leigh Keilton-Smith, Jean Louise R., Kristoff Konrad, and Larry Moss. By diving headfirst into a world my mother and father both loved so deeply, I found myself in a foreign world that felt more familiar to me than any other place I had been. Though I can strike up a conversation with anyone, I never felt entirely accepted anywhere, and therefore, always hid my vulnerabilities. However, once I entered the world of cinema, my friends and peers allowed me the freedom to show all the colors of my vulnerability through the unconditional love and acceptance they gave in return.
The most beautiful realization is that in the world I see and control with my mind, I can project that into the world as my characters both on the page and off.

I do not know where life itself will take me. I still do not know for sure what I want to pursue as a career. Heck, I don’t even know what class I’ll main in the next WoW expansion (I’m kidding, it’s going to be hunters for sure. Yes, that is plural).
But, what I do know, is that I’ve stopped running from an artistic life because it is my happiness.
And that is all that matters.
~You can find more of Priscillas work and follow her journey here >>
Her pictures are so beautiful!